Minggu, 11 September 2011


Oleh : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by : Margaretha Madha Melissa (09301244013)

            “Mathematics is not easy”, this word often I hear from many people. And teach mathematics also not easy, because student also can not enjoy study mathematics. Jaworski said that there are no the best way to teach mathematics. And Prof.Ir.RMJT.Soehakso said about MOORE style that challenges our intelligent, but EILENBERG style try to touch our heart. In the other hand, Concroft report some methods such exposition method, discussing, problem solving, investigate, training, and use it. But it also has obstacles like how to understand, how to use, the condition of environment, and facilities. Teacher also have problem to solve many different character of the students, how to make active student, to develop learning process, to finish the syllabus, and make student to reach the best mark in final examination. Some absolute people think that mathematics is abstract, universal, formal, objective, rational, full of theory, and neutral. It would better if absolute is changed by social constructivist like abstract change to concrete, formal change to informal, objective change to subjective, theory change to practice, and so on. 
            In reality, mathematics is activity to search design and relationship, creativity that need imagination, intuition, discovery, activity problem solving, instrument to communicate. The other realities (about students) are students will study if they have motivation, students study with their own ways, students also study both their selves and in a group, students need context and different situation to study.
            Teacher can evaluate mathematics lesson by give student test, so teacher will know how students understand about the materials, how the process of study, what method they use to solve the problem, skill of the student, what materials they can remember, and what student reach or receive.
So the conclusions are both teacher and student must move, make innovation, make change, reformation, contemplate, and reflection. There are many way to make student like mathematics lesson such as :
1.      Teacher as a center of the class, changed by student center.
2.      Transmission of knowledge changed by development cognition.
3.      Absolute lesson changed by democratic lesson.
4.      Initiative/idea from teacher changed by initiative/idea from students.
5.      Change passive student to be active student.
6.      Students cannot make mistake changed by mistake is part of process learning.
7.      Make students more responsibility about their study, so they not feel duty, but consciousness and want.
8.      The orientation not about mark, but about process and also mark.
9.      Change attitude from fast and hurried to be calm, patient and wait.
10.  Teacher not only gives attendance in the class, but also individually.
11.  We cannot think that all students are same, but we must know that they have some or many different.
12.  Teacher’s method to teach students must change from exposition, talk to be discussion and also method variation.
13.  Pure mathematics changed by school mathematics.
14.  Something that abstract, remember changed by something concrete, understandable, application.
15.  Change external motivation to be internal motivation.
16.  Something that most formal changed by something informal.
17.  Centralistic changed by autonomy.
18.  Something that very structural changed by something flexible.
19.  Now, teacher not only teach student, but also educate, facilitator and dynamic.
20.  Make a good relation between student and teacher.
21.  Teacher not only doing the curriculum, but also develop the curriculum.
Evaluation changed by assessment, etc.  

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