Oleh: Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by : Margaretha Madha Melissa (09301244013)
Research is an activity to get knowledge so called as science, performed by certain procedures systematically and supported by a methodology. As a teacher or prospective teacher of mathematics we must always regarding the discussion to get knowledge about learning, according with a mathematical latest trends. Teachers or prospective teachers of mathematics as a researcher may changes the learning of mathematics at school with perform various experiments, so appear scientific method. Mathematics education research can be done
by many researches, such as quantitative research. Quantity research show that mathematics can be so objective and can be measure. Quantitative studies using method “logiko-hypothetico-verivikatif”, with steps sequence as follows: the problem of determining the formulation of hypotheses about teaching and learning aspects mathematics, data collection practices mathematics learning, data analysis, testing hypothesis, conclusion, report writing, and done. Nasution said that knowledge is seen as strongly influenced by social factors,
history, inexpensive values.
by many researches, such as quantitative research. Quantity research show that mathematics can be so objective and can be measure. Quantitative studies using method “logiko-hypothetico-verivikatif”, with steps sequence as follows: the problem of determining the formulation of hypotheses about teaching and learning aspects mathematics, data collection practices mathematics learning, data analysis, testing hypothesis, conclusion, report writing, and done. Nasution said that knowledge is seen as strongly influenced by social factors,
history, inexpensive values.
Developing Mathematics Education Research:
1. Research Activities As Hermenitik
within the circle hermenitik, mathematics education research provide to the full awareness that the learning of mathematics researchers and components not is sterile, but are related or connected to various aspects of low-cost context whether learning at a time when past and in time is the time for ongoing learning. There are two kinds of Hermenitik such realistic and deconstructive hermenitik.
2. Mathematics Education Research Scope
The scope of the research depends on the researcher own decisive. In the simple level then the teacher can examine the relationship between characteristic
and achievement of learning outcomes of students, or teacher’s attitudes relationship between and student creativity. In higher levels can be examined for example the contribution of teachers to knowledge student learning success. While the level of fencing in a high research activity determined by the many aspects that will cost relationship investigated.
and achievement of learning outcomes of students, or teacher’s attitudes relationship between and student creativity. In higher levels can be examined for example the contribution of teachers to knowledge student learning success. While the level of fencing in a high research activity determined by the many aspects that will cost relationship investigated.
3. Research Methods
From the practice of learning mathematics so there are two factors
such the practice of learning and factor of value. There are some kinds of research method, such observe students, causal-comparative research, contemporary research, historical research, descriptive research, developing research, etc.
such the practice of learning and factor of value. There are some kinds of research method, such observe students, causal-comparative research, contemporary research, historical research, descriptive research, developing research, etc.
There are two fact of mathematics such mathematics is activity to find pattern and relationship; and mathematics is problem solving. Ebbutt and Straker said that for all good level of education elementary, middle and high school, learning math study materials include: the facts (facts), understanding (concepts), reasoning skills, algorithmic skill, skills solve mathematical problems (problem solving), skills and conduct investigations (investigation). In the other hand, Shigeo Katagiri describes that the reasoning of mathematics in the school may include the three main aspects of reasoning relates with attitude (attitude), reasoning relating with method (method), low-cost reasoning relates to the mathematical content (content). Ebbutt and Straker said that in reality students will study if they have motivation, pupils learn mathematics with own way, pupils learn math either independently or through cooperation with his/her friend, pupils need contexts and different situations in studying mathematics, etc.
Some several models of learning as a context doing mathematics education research activities, for example: achievement concept model; exercise research model; sinektik model; class meeting model; investigation group model; research jurisprudence models; exercise laboratory model; for social research model; self-control model, and simulation model. Mathematics education research by both teachers, lecturers as well as by prospective teachers will give many benefits. With mathematics education research we can know the difference individuals or groups in the study the mathematics, we can determine the position students in groups, able to compare learning outcomes between groups, whether the competency standard or basic competence has been achieved? Research results can be used for improvements programs, guidance, provision of information to the public.
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