Oleh: Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by : Margaretha Madha Melissa (09301244013)
Education can provides the foundation for the development of the noble values of the legal reform, political, economic, cultural and others. Thus, reforms in education
are demands which cannot be bargained. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the demands for reform, the fundamental macro issues of the world education emerged, including the eradication of corruption surface, improving quality, decentralization and autonomy of education, legislation, empowerment and participation, the paradigm. Reform movement in Indonesia is the anticlimax of a state where the values morals in the political, legal, social, economic decline very sharply within a period of more than three decades. Various reports indicate that the economic crisis has extremely adverse impact on the performance of our education; higher dropout rates, education participation rates decline, and the ability of parents to participate providing facilities and teaching resources are also declining.
are demands which cannot be bargained. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the demands for reform, the fundamental macro issues of the world education emerged, including the eradication of corruption surface, improving quality, decentralization and autonomy of education, legislation, empowerment and participation, the paradigm. Reform movement in Indonesia is the anticlimax of a state where the values morals in the political, legal, social, economic decline very sharply within a period of more than three decades. Various reports indicate that the economic crisis has extremely adverse impact on the performance of our education; higher dropout rates, education participation rates decline, and the ability of parents to participate providing facilities and teaching resources are also declining.
At the macro level, the picture of the education system still shows characteristics of centralism that rigid, with a very strong dominance of bureaucracy, so that at every level of education occurs stagnation. Creativity or improvisation towards innovation is very hard to do
national education system because they tend to follow the guidelines from above. Indonesia ranks only 105th of the 174 countries in terms of HUMAN CONSTRUCTION, under Singapore (22), Brunei (25), Malaysia (56), while Indonesia was ranked only 37th of 59 countries in terms RESOURCES COMPETITIVENESS, under Singapore (1), Malaysia (16), and Thailand (30). On the micro level, the practice of education in Indonesia is still relying on the teacher's role as a spearhead the government in implementing policies education.
national education system because they tend to follow the guidelines from above. Indonesia ranks only 105th of the 174 countries in terms of HUMAN CONSTRUCTION, under Singapore (22), Brunei (25), Malaysia (56), while Indonesia was ranked only 37th of 59 countries in terms RESOURCES COMPETITIVENESS, under Singapore (1), Malaysia (16), and Thailand (30). On the micro level, the practice of education in Indonesia is still relying on the teacher's role as a spearhead the government in implementing policies education.
National education reform can be done at two levels of macro and micro. In the macro, national education reform must be able to renew the vision and develop educational paradigm and scrape out the constraints education while maintaining and improving the quality and professionalism and empowerment of communities towards the new Indonesia that Indonesia is open, democratic and united. Considering teacher education is a critical success, then the teacher can play a role object and subject of educational reform by increasing ability to educate and manage the classroom.
The value of mathematics can be seen from the context of the ontological, epistemological and axiological in limits of intrinsic value, extrinsic and systemic. With analog thinking then what happens to disclosure of the value of mathematics can be used also in the disclosure of noble values nation. Nation can be noble values achieved back none other than merely by the method translated and interpreted from the context of the passage of time past, present, and come. This is then known people with hermenitika method.
In the field of education, teachers need to continually evaluate deficiency or
advantages of teaching in order to obtain information for improving teaching and also can learn new techniques that more attractive and effective. For that teachers need to receive encouragement and assistance of the parties mainly related Principal and school supervisor, so that they can realize the teaching well. A teacher can reflect the style of teaching good and if the teacher flexible ways of organizing master classes, use of teaching resources, the achievement of teaching according to student ability, development of evaluation systems, handling individual differences, and achieve a style specific teaching according to need. Required a “political will” of government to put education back to the essence of “educate” in accordance with nature of “the subject learners” and the nature of “scientific”, so that education is not only seen as something that is required but something that is required by students, so education is not just look at the subject of students as “investment” development but as a subject need to be “developed”.
advantages of teaching in order to obtain information for improving teaching and also can learn new techniques that more attractive and effective. For that teachers need to receive encouragement and assistance of the parties mainly related Principal and school supervisor, so that they can realize the teaching well. A teacher can reflect the style of teaching good and if the teacher flexible ways of organizing master classes, use of teaching resources, the achievement of teaching according to student ability, development of evaluation systems, handling individual differences, and achieve a style specific teaching according to need. Required a “political will” of government to put education back to the essence of “educate” in accordance with nature of “the subject learners” and the nature of “scientific”, so that education is not only seen as something that is required but something that is required by students, so education is not just look at the subject of students as “investment” development but as a subject need to be “developed”.
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