Minggu, 25 September 2011


Oleh : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by : Margaretha Madha Melissa (09301244013)

Managing the learning is not easy because we find that sometimes students have difficulty in learning. On the other hand found the fact that it is not easy for educators to change the style of teaching. While as educators, we have to always adjust teaching methods
according with the demands of changing times. There are at least 4 differences of views learning how should be implemented:
1.      Learning should be emphasized on understanding the material (content focused-conceptual understanding);
2.      Learning needs to be prioritize the learning outcomes (content focus - performance);
3.      Learning should be as student centre, so that they can develop and build knowledge (learner focus - construction);
4.      Learning should starting from the planning of classroom management that is conducive to learning (classroom focused - effective classroom).
                At every level education, learning should provide opportunities for teachers to using the choice of teaching methods are adjusted to the level student’s abilities as follows: a exposition method by the teacher; discussion method between teachers and students and among students; problem solving method; investigation method; basic training skills and principles method; application method.
            Then, to develop the cognitive aspects of the students are students will learn if they have the motivation, students studying in its own way, students have different socio-economic backgrounds and cultures, students learn both independently and through cooperation with
friend, students need different the context and circumstances to study.
In order for students to feel happy and motivated in their learning, teachers need to realize the paradigm shift as follows: MOVE, CHANGE, INNOVATION, REFORM, CONTEMPLATE, REFLECTIONS from the "traditional learning" to "progressive learning".
1.      Teacher Centered Student -- Centered
2.      The transmission of knowledge -- cognition Development
3.      Authoritarian -- Democratic
4.      Teacher Initiative -- Student Initiatives
5.      Passive Students -- Active Students
6.      Make Student Prefers Learning of Mathematics
7.      Cannot make mistakes -- valuable pedagogical Errors
8.      The orientation of outcome -- The orientation of process and outcome
9.      Quickly and Forbearance -- hurry and wait
10.  Services class -- Services Individual
11.  Unification -- Recognition Differences
12.  The exposition, lectures -- discussion, the variation method
13.  Pure mathematics -- School mathematics
14.  Abstract, Memory -- Concrete, Understanding, Application
15.  External motivation -- internal motivation
16.  Very Formal -- Few Informal
17.  Sentralistic -- Autonomy
18.  Structured -- Flexible
19.  Teacher -- Educator, Facilitator
20.  Deductive -- Inductive, Deductive
21.  Teacher implementing curriculum -- Teacher developer curriculum
22.  Evaluation -- Assessment
23.  The role of the teacher to dominate -- The Role Serving


Oleh : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by : Margaretha Madha Melissa (09301244013)

In the school based curriculum (SBC/KTSP) the teacher is a curriculum developer who is in decisive and strategic position. Teachers also have authority to define and develop the curriculum into the syllabus. Development curriculum in this syllabus should be based on several things: the content, the concepts, skills, problems and interests of students. The implementation of Permendiknas No. 22 Tahun 2006 and Permendiknas Number 23 Tahun 2006 set by Peraturan Pemeritah No. 24 Tahun 2006. In this regulation stated that: Schools can implement SBC beginning the academic year 2006/2007 and implemented at the latest academic year 2009/2010.
SBC developed based on the following principles:
1.      Centered on the potential, progress, needs and interests of learners and environment.
2.      diverse and integrated
3.      responsive to developments in science, technology and art
4.      relevant to the needs of life
5.      comprehensive and sustainable
6.      lifelong learning
7.      balance between national interests and regional interests
The components of SBC are:
1.      The purpose of secondary education is to improve intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and skills to live independently and follow further education.
2.      SBC was arranged based on : improvement of faith and piety and noble character; increased potential, intelligence, and interest; the development of science, technology, and art; religion, and so on.
Structure and Contents of SBC are:
1.      Subject
There are 4 group of subjects, such religion and noble character; citizenship and personality; Science and Technology; aesthetic.
2.      Local Content
Local content is curricular activities to develop competencies based on regional characteristics and potentials.
3.      Self Development Activities
Self development is not a subject that must be cared by teacher. Self development aims to provide opportunities for students to develop and express themselves according to need, talents, interests, individual learners in accordance with the conditions of the school.
4.      Burden Learning Settings
Burden of learning in the package system is used by primary, secondary, and senior high school.
5.      The increase in Class, choose department, and Graduation
Increase of class, choose department, and passing reference to the standard assessment
developed by BSNP.
6.      Life Skills Education
Curriculum for primary, secondary, and senior high school can include life skills education, which includes personal, social, academic and vocational skills.
7.      Based Education Excellence Local and Global
Education calendar can be set according to the needs of education calendar area, characteristics of schools, learners and community needs.
            Syllabus Development Steps are:
1.      Assessing Competency Standards and Basic Competence
2.      Identify Essential Material
3.      Developing Learning Experience
4.      Formulating Learning Success Indicators
5.      Determination of Types of Assessment
6.      Determining the Time Allocation
7.      Determining the Source of Learning