Oleh: Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by : Margaretha Madha Melissa (09301244013)
Cocroft Report recommends that at every level teachers should use inovation teaching methods as follows:
1. exposition method by the teacher
2. discussion method, between teachers and pupils and between pupils and students.
3. problem solving method
4. discovery/investigation method
5. basic skills training and principles methods
6. implementation method
The problems of learning mathematics can be distinguished by because the source of a different implementation of the practice of traditional and progressive teaching mathematics. Characteritics of traditional teaching are: separated subject matter, teacher as distributor of knowledge, passive pupil role, pupils have no say in curriculum planning, accent on memory, practice and rote, and so on. In the other hand, the characteristics of progressive teaching are: integrated subject matter, teacher as guide to educational experiences, active pupil role, pupils participate in curriculum planning, learning predominantly by discovery techniques, etc.
Breath of competency based curriculum is on developing learn first-hand experience, contextual teaching and learning (CT & L), meaningful teaching, with attention to life skills like generic skills (personal skills, social skills, academic skills and proficiency skills). All abilities assessed by the principles authentic assessment not only at the level of memory and understanding but to the application.
The characteristic of mathematics are: mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships, creativity that requires imagination, problem solving activities, tool to communicate. And the pupil characteristics are: pupils will learn math if they have
motivation, pupils learn mathematics in its own way, pupils learn mathematics either independently or through collaboration with his/her friend, pupils need the different context and situation in learning mathematics. The category hierarchy of affective aspects state according Krathwhol includes receiving, responding, valuing, organization and characterization. In addition to aspects of cognitive and affective aspects, aspects of Performance also have a role that is important to know student’s skills in solving problems, such as paint the triangle, square painting, painting circles, etc.
motivation, pupils learn mathematics in its own way, pupils learn mathematics either independently or through collaboration with his/her friend, pupils need the different context and situation in learning mathematics. The category hierarchy of affective aspects state according Krathwhol includes receiving, responding, valuing, organization and characterization. In addition to aspects of cognitive and affective aspects, aspects of Performance also have a role that is important to know student’s skills in solving problems, such as paint the triangle, square painting, painting circles, etc.
Competency standards that need to be achieved by high school students are: algebra, trigonometric, geometry, statistics and opportunity, and calculus. For all levels of education, mathematics learning materials including: facts, Understanding (concepts), Reasoning skills, Algorithmic skills, Mathematical problem-solving skills, Skills investigation. Experiences and learning activities are activities that need to be students in order to achieve basic skills and learning materials. Judging from competencies to be achieved, the experience can learn to memorize, use, and find; viewed from the side of the material can acquired facts, concepts, principles, etc. Thus, the learning strategies developed can be: (1) emphasis on problem solving, (2) learning in various contexts everyday life, (3) encourage students as active Learners, (4) student appreciate and pay attention to the uniqueness of self-distinction student diversity, (5) learning through cooperative learning, and (6) developed the assessment in the system test. Learning unit is a translation in a more operational than syllabus into fragments of learning activities that are operational can be done by the teacher. Learning program is a classroom activity plans designed by teachers which contains step-by-step scenario of what would conducted with students.
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