Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


A.    Introduction
As we know that now Indonesia try to develop national education. For example, since 2007 Indonesia use SBC (School Based Curriculum), so every school may manage teaching learning process itself. To develop national education in Indonesia, teacher also must develop teaching learning in the class. We also know that mathematics is an important subject and determine student graduation. As a teacher or novice teacher, we have to develop teaching learning of mathematics in the class, so students more interesting to study mathematics, students not feel that mathematics is difficult subject, and students reach good achievement.

B.     How to Develop Teaching Learning of Mathematics?
There are two kinds of teaching learning of mathematics like innovative and traditional teaching learning of mathematics. But now, traditional teaching learning not relevant used in new era, innovative teaching learning of mathematics more relevant used in the class. Then, it is not easy for teacher to teach mathematics, especially mathematics in English. Students are also difficult to learn and study mathematics. And there is no best way to educate mathematics. So, as teacher or novice teacher, we have to use innovative teaching learning of mathematics then traditional teaching learning of mathematics. Now, the question is how to develop teaching learning of mathematics to be more innovative? Before knowing about how to develop teaching learning of mathematics, we should know the factor affect the teaching learning process, such as:
1.      Educational facilities: all material in the class that influence teaching learning process.
2.      Media/teaching media: all things in the class that teacher use to make teaching learning process more interesting and easy to understand. But teaching media is more general than teaching aid. For example: handouts, posters, diagram, table, or a graph, videos, DVD’s and audio tapes, etc.
3.      Teaching aid, all things that teacher use to make student more active, the topic more real and easy to understand. Teaching aid is more specific than media. Example: cubes, pattern blocks, plastic money, die, coin, top, sticks, marble, scales, and so on.
4.      Teaching methods, actually there are many teaching method like discovery, discussion, demonstration, expository, presentation, contextual, game, and so on.
5.      Psychological aspect, what students feel (bad mood, good mood, sad, happy).
6.      Context of teaching learning (culture)
7.      Curriculum that can be explained into syllabi, lesson plan, student worksheet, teaching learning resource, and assessment.
8.      Paradigm that formed by theories and theories that formed by philosophy.
9.      Technology
All elements above always move and affect the teaching learning process.
Actually, teaching learning of mathematics is supported by some references like logic, our mind, research, books, publication, understanding, knowledge, concrete model, experience, and example. There are many ways to develop teaching learning of mathematics. First of all, we have to make our students more active in the class, because student able to develop their own creativity. I think that there must be an interaction between student and student, student and teacher in the class. If there are interaction between student and student, student and teacher, so teaching learning of mathematics change from teacher centered to student centered. I guess that students are easy to understand the topic and the lesson become meaningful. The other benefits are student become critical thinker, able to connect mathematics in our daily life, and more creative.
The second, to develop teaching learning of mathematics, we can develop teaching aid to be concrete model to teach the topic. Because, students easier to understand the topic if they see or touch the concrete model, so they no need to feel that mathematics is abstract and not real subject. For example: we may use die, coin, top to teach probability; we may use block, ball, cylinder, cone to teach space geometry; we may use marble, scales to teach equation and inequality; and others.
The third, we may develop teaching methods. Teachers usually use expository method to explain the topic, but I think teacher should combine two or more teaching methods to make student not bored and sleepy in the class. Sometimes, we may combine games and discovery method to make meaningful teaching learning process. Then, we also may use example especially example problem in our daily life to make logic and understanding teaching learning. Teaching learning process will be better if we can make interesting syllabi and lesson plan. We also need to develop student work sheet, assessment, and fine many teaching learning resources.        
All factors or aspect above are role, moving, develop, and improve to be the world of teaching learning of mathematics. Not only that, but our spirituality also affect the world of teaching learning of mathematics. And actually, the meaning of the world of teaching learning of mathematics is “yourself or I or myself”.  

C.    Conclusion
There are two kinds of teaching learning of mathematics like innovative and traditional teaching learning of mathematics. There are many ways we can do to develop teaching learning of mathematics, such as: developing aspects that affect teaching learning process (educational facilities, teaching media, teaching aid, teaching methods, psychological aspect, context of teaching learning, curriculum, syllabi, lesson plan, student worksheet, teaching learning resource, assessment, paradigm, technology), make our students more active in the class, make logic and understanding lesson, use concrete model, developing our mind,  and so on.